
Cross Examination Questions

Author: jsherk

High Authority
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Cross Examination Questions

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The prosecution has to prove their case by showing that certain "elements" are true beyond a reasonable doubt.

They prove these elements mostly with the use of a witness (usually the police officer).

You get to then cross examine the witness, and this is where you want to bring in as much reasonable doubt as possible.

So the cross examination is really important and then your closing submissions are also very important.

If the prosecution fails to mention one of these elements during their questioning of the witness then do NOT bring it up in cross-examination. Wait until closing submissions and point out that they failed to prove a certain element.

Whatever elements they do bring up though, these are the ones you want to try and cast reasonable doubt on thru your cross examination questions.

Anyways here is some links. Probably worth reading everything at the links but there is some specific info regarding Cross Examination questions in them. The first two links are excellent at helping you understand how to go about Cross Examination, but they are USA related so some of the example questions may not be suitable for your situation: ... r11-2.html

More GENERAL information you should study as well:
+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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