
Careless Charge For Tractor Accident!

Author: endoftherainbow

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Careless Charge For Tractor Accident!

Unread post by endoftherainbow »

I was a tractor driver involved in a serious accident. I was travelling on a hwy coming up to my field, I checked to make sure I could make the left hand turn safely, had the flashing lights, the slowing moving vehicle sign, made my hand signal, started my left turn and the big truck behind me hit me so hard that it split the tractor in half. There was a hill and an oncoming car that had come over the hill, when I checked the truck behind me was a fair distance behind me. The witnesses at the scene left and didn't talk to the police. I have been charged with careless. The truck driver told the cops that he had slowed down, but if he had he would of never got around me before the on coming car was upon him. I am thankful I still have my life, my body will heal, my tractor is a write off and probably have a law suit to fight from the trucking company. But why do I get charged with careless and how do I fight it with no witnesses coming forward? Safety is my #1 thing when I travel the roads with farm equipment, still can't believe this has happened. :(

Any help with this would be great.

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Re: Careless Charge For Tractor Accident!

Unread post by bend »

Just want to make sure, but it was the vehicle that was behind you on a single lane highway?

If the vehicle behind you couldn't brake in time to avoid an accident with you in front, i'm not sure where your charge comes from. If anything, he should be charged.

Hand/Arm signals are sufficient for farming equipment as long as you are plainly visible. I'm not sure what the issue with your left hand turn is here. Maybe he is claiming you were sitting in the shoulder when you made your turn? I am not sure.

I'd suggest you request a trial and request disclosure as soon as your Notice of Trial comes in the mail. This way you can see what the reasoning is behind your ticket. Doesn't sound like they would have a case convincing anyone this is deserving of a careless charge, if any charge at all.

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Re: Careless Charge For Tractor Accident!

Unread post by endoftherainbow »

Yes it is a single lane hwy. I was driving on the hwy, not on the shoulder of the road. I think that he didn't take much caution of me, and just wanted to get by me than get stuck behind me. Someone at the scene said he was on his cell phone when he hit me. I can't believe that you don't need a licence to drive a tractor but this is going to affect my insurance to drive a car!

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