Careless Diving For Eating With No Hands On The Wheel...
I turned left on st from st. I was eating a yogurt while driving with no hands on the steering wheel for a block because traffic was slow and I was late for work. So when a truck in front of me was pulled over blocking my lane. I slowed down to a stop. When I was stopped, a black SUV pulled up beside me and I made eye contact with him. He told me I can go in front of him to get by the truck. So I waved thank you, turned on my signal and proceeded to go in front of him. A second after I went in front of him he turned on his lights. At this point I was really confused. He comes up and tells me that I am the guy that people read in the news paper who are careless drivers and that he saw me for a block with no hands on my steering wheel. As I give him my licence and insurance and owner of the car (it was a rental car). I tell him politely and telling him I am sorry and I have been trying to dive safe for a long time. I have had a clean record for 2 years and I take care of my mom. As he looks at my insurance. He tells he that it looks altered. I tell him that he can call up the insurance company to confirm it. He tells me that's not his job. as he walks away I ask him, am I really getting a ticked for careless driving? he said yes. After he gives me the ticket he tells me there is nothing he can do after I tell him again I am truly sorry and this is going to kill my insurance and it just with down. he tells he there is nothing he can do. I understand that I should not of done what I did. but he was in a really bad mood and just slapped the harshest ticket he could on me. What are my options and what do you think you can bring it down to?
Re: Careless Diving For Eating With No Hands On The Wheel...
Next time you are pulled over politely acknowledge what the officer said and don't break into a full on confession. He knows a careless charge is going to kill your insurance, but he also knows you will fight it. You should be able to plead this down with the prosecutor considering it didn't result in an accident.
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