
Careless Driving For Causing An Accident While Performing A U Turn

Author: Greg898

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:02 pm

Careless Driving For Causing An Accident While Performing A U Turn

Unread post by Greg898 »

I got lost while out of town and had to perform a U turn but didn't see the car coming up behind me and pulled out in front of them causing an accident.

It was in a 50 km/h zone, clear visibility in both directions and I was stopped on the shoulder prior to starting the turn. It's pretty cut and dry against me but I obviously don't want to be stuck with a careless driving charge.

I'm going to set up a phone call with a prosecutor first to hopefully get it resolved without having to go to court but was wondering what kind of charge reduction to expect in this case.

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