Careless Driving Ticket
I was recently in an accident. Police were called and a report filed.
When all was said and done, at the scene of the accident, the officer said that in the situation of a collision, he has to hand out a "Careless Driving" ticket to whoever is at fault for the collision, which unfortunately was me. The officer was very informative and he encouraged me to exercise "Option 2" on my ticket and that whatever agreement myself and the individual on the other end in terms of a lower fine and less demerit points, he would have absolutely no problem approving as the officer who wrote the ticket. However, when I called the number on the ticket to schedule an appointment for Option 2 (Guilty plea and submission to penalty), the woman on the other end of the phone said that it is Option 3 that I want "Trial option."
My question is, I have no intention of "Fighting" the ticket, I just want to speak to the proper individual to reduce my fine and potentially demerit points associated with the ticket. Will option 3 allow me to do this or am I supposed to choose option 2 like the officer recommended?
Thanks so much in advance.
Re: Careless Driving Ticket
Both options will get the job done. They have "early resolutions" on trial days also.
If there's an offer to be made, they'll make one before proceeding with a trial right in the courtroom. Let's say they schedule trials in 2 hour blocks. They'll schedule something like 20+ people to appear in that block. Everyone will line up and they'll make offers. Realistically, almost everyone will end up pleading guilty one way or another which is why they cram the courtroom. The time dedicated in a block is only sufficient for one or maybe two trials.
If you choose the trial option, the officer will be present. If you mentioned what the officer said, that might be why they suggested Option 3.
Bit of advice, take whatever reduction they offer you and run. "Careless driving" is considered worst of the worst in terms of insurance. Forget about demerit points. They are meaningless. You are in danger of being booted by your insurance provider with a careless driving conviction. Then you'll be seeking high risk or facility insurance.
I don't know the particulars of your accident, but if they offer something like "following too closely" or "turn not in safety," you should just take it. The difference between that and careless driving is night and day and for some, it's the difference between driving or taking the bus.
Re: Careless Driving Ticket
Thanks so much for the advice Bend. I appreciate it. I will be exercising option 3 for a trial with the intention of speaking to the prosecutor to work out a reduced fine ahead of time.
One last quick question. If I am able to do as I said above (work out a reduced fine prior to the start of court) and I know there is always the slight chance the officer does not show up to court, because I have already worked out a deal prior to the start of court, is that set in stone or is it case thrown out without the officer present?
Thanks again!
Re: Careless Driving Ticket
They'll likely already know whether or not the officer will be available by the time you show up. They may make you an offer regardless or choose not to proceed.
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