
Dangerous Driving - Wrong Address On Ticket

Author: svalente371

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Dangerous Driving - Wrong Address On Ticket

Unread post by svalente371 »

My daughter had an accident yesterday and was charged with dangerous driving. She is a new G2 driver. We are planning on fighting it because we do not feel the charge is justified. She was merging onto Hwy 10 on a ramp and looked over her left shoulder to see if it was clear to merge into traffic and realized she was close to the left hand curb and jerked the steering wheel to correct the issue but there was gravel on the road and it appears the driver side rear end swung into the curb and the back tire came off the rim. She did not realize this had occurred and the car started veering to the left even though she continued to turn the wheel all the way to the right. She ended up travelling across all the lanes and hit another vehicle, that then spun her up onto the median causing her front tire to also come off the rim. Both cars are a write off. The officer said she was speeding and charged her. My daughter told the officer there were cars in front of her and behind her (it was the Monday of long weekend and lots of traffic on the road) and that she wasn't speeding. Her boyfriend was telling her to brake but she thinks in the panic of the car veering left and freaking out because she was turning the wheel to the right she may have had her foot on gas instead of brake which is why the car continued to move across the lanes. Upon checking the ticket today I have noticed that he has written our house number as 46 and we live at 45 and I am wondering if this is a case for the ticket to be thrown out.

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Re: Dangerous Driving - Wrong Address On Ticket

Unread post by Reflections »

Due to the seriousness of the charge, I would recommend getting professional help. As for the wrong address number, this is not enough to toss the charge.

Good luck with this, I hope you get a resolution quickly. OR
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Re: Dangerous Driving - Wrong Address On Ticket

Unread post by Stanton »

Just to confirm, was she charged with careless or dangerous? Dangerous driving is a criminal offence, typically more serious then careless.

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Re: Dangerous Driving - Wrong Address On Ticket

Unread post by svalente371 »

It says dangerous driving on the ticket although the cop said he was going to charge her with careless driving. ( I thought they were the same thing :(

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Re: Dangerous Driving - Wrong Address On Ticket

Unread post by svalente371 »

Sorry my mistake (I haven't been able to sleep since the accident) it was Careless Driving

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