
Affidavit Of Service Stamped "received" By Court?

Author: marybianjing

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Affidavit Of Service Stamped "received" By Court?

Unread post by marybianjing »

Hi everyone,

I went to the court (1530 Markham Road, Toronto) this morning to serve the court and prosecutor with 11B application.

I understand that I have to swear before a commissioner of court that I have already served the Attorney of Canada and Attonrney of Ontario with my 11B application. I included the fax receipts of serving the above mentioned parties in the Affidavit of Service and swore 3 copies of them before the commissoner of the court. After I swore, I asked the commissioner (court clerk) to stamp "RECEIVED" on the Affidavit of Service but was told that the court did not need to do so. They just took one copy of it and attached it with the 11B Application Book and gave the other two copies back to me without the stamp.

My question is, do these copies of Affidavit of Service need to be stamped "RECEIVED" by the court? (I know that in the court downtown Toronto, an 11B application was rejected just because the court claimed that they did not receive the Affidavit of Service, no stamp showing received)

Does anyone here have this experience? Thanks in advance.

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