
Cancelled Licence But Had No Idea

Author: chris_funny_008

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Cancelled Licence But Had No Idea

Unread post by chris_funny_008 »

i was pulled over randomly by a police officer that said he ramdomly ran my plates and it came back my licence was cancelled.

he said it went back to a ticket 9 months ago. i recieved a ticket for a trailer light infraction. i didnt pay the ticket till i recieved a notice that i must pay the ticket or my licence would be suspended. i payed it online. a month later i recived a letter saying my licence was reinstated. i threw it a side because i didnt know it was suspended.

the officer said my licence was canelled because i didnt pay a 150 reinstatement fee. i never recived anything saying it was cancelled and new nothing of it.

i ve renewed my licence plate sticker in the mean time and they never said anything about the owed money. the mto said they have nothing to do with court fines. i then asked who the 150 adminastrative fee goes to and they said the mto. should they have told me?. ive also gone to olg slots in the mean time and my licence has always got me in. as well as using it for border id with out trouble.

i went in and paid the 150 fee for reinstatement but now have a 350 fine...what can i do? i didnt recive a notice saying i was suspended or cancelled....

After i recieved my ticket the officer gave me back my "cancelled" drivers licence and told me i could drive to my friends house and figure out a ride from this proper protocol?

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Simon Borys
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Re: Cancelled Licence But Had No Idea

Unread post by Simon Borys »

chris_funny_008 wrote:After i recieved my ticket the officer gave me back my "cancelled" drivers licence and told me i could drive to my friends house and figure out a ride from this proper protocol?

No, he gave you a break.

This happens a lot because the right hand doesn't talk to the left. You deal with your fines and suspension through the courts, but then you have to go to the MTO to have your licence reinstated and the courts often don't tell you that. Also, the people who work at the licencing office often don't tell you when you go in to renew your sticker.

I understand why the officer gave you the ticket though, because he doesn't know if you really weren't aware or if you just neglected to pay the reinstatement fee. I have been in the officer's situation before and given the ticket and then suggested the person speak to the prosecutor about it at a first attendance meeting and bring whatever documentation they have to support their claim. In my experience, when people were able to convince the prosecutor the ticket was often withdrawn.

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Re: Cancelled Licence But Had No Idea

Unread post by johnnycrash »

Old thread, but I just had the same problem.

OPP was kind enough to inform me that my license has been cancelled.

I am assuming that it is related to a 7 day suspension I received in 2011.

I went to the MTO when I received the letter of reinstatement, and when I gave them the paper

the woman told me there was no fee to be paid. That was the last I heard of it.

Nothing came in the mail.

My plates got renewed.

I've been driving since then with no idea that it was suspended.

I got lucky though, I just had to pay to tow my bike home, the officer was nice and didnt give me a fine, though he could have issued

several. I think it was the most pleasant dealing with the OPP I have ever had.

Probably helped that he rides as well.

Now I hope its just a matter of paying the fee.

Also want to get reimbursed for the tow charge.

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