
Driving Suspended, Second Offense

Author: LindseyLee

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Driving Suspended, Second Offense

Unread post by LindseyLee »

Helloo there. In July 2010 my fiance was driving me to the hospital in Hamilton because I was having severe stomach pains. We were pulled over on the way because the vechile is registered in his name and it came up on the computer that his licence was suspended. Last year he got a summons for drive disqualified and he has not deiven again since. This was an extremely unlucky situation. When we were pulled over, we were never given a reason for being pulled over and he never had to produce any type of identification. It all seemed very strange.

Anyway, he has a court date to set a trial date and we are looking for assistance. He is the primary provider in our household, and if he has to do any jail time, then our family will be sunk. We were told by the prosecutor that they will be seeking a custodial period, but I'm not 100% clear on that. Does this mean definite jail time? Or is there a possibilty of house arrest so he can keep his job? We really need help! Please!

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Simon Borys
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Unread post by Simon Borys »

If you're talking about driving disqualified as opposed to driving suspended that's a criminal matter and somewhat outside the scope of this forum. I will say that a custodial sentence usually refers to jail time. If that is what you're facing you should definitely be retaining legal counsel to assist you.

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