120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
Hello Members,
I was driving to Windsor from Toronto and set my cruise control's speed to around 120km/h. I was under the impression that you only get tickets when you exceed 120km/h.
I was stopped in Chatham region and the officer clocked me at 120km/h and gave me a ticket. It has 3 demerit points.
When the cop asked me how fast I am driving, I made the stupid mistake of saying probably between 115 to 120.
This is my first ticket. I have a G license and ~ 7 years of clean driving record.
Chatham is ~300km from Toronto and if the ticket didn't have any demerit points, I probably would have just paid it.
But, now I want to fight it in court. What are my next steps?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
alef007 wrote:Hello Members,
I was driving to Windsor from Toronto and set my cruise control's speed to around 120km/h. I was under the impression that you only get tickets when you exceed 120km/h.
alef007 wrote: But, now I want to fight it in court. What are my next steps?
You request a trial. When you get your Notice of Trial in the mail, you can request disclosure to see all the evidence against you.
Keep in mind that speeding is an absolute liability offense. What that means is you were either speeding or you weren't. "I was speeding, but..." means you're already guilty. You have to convince a JP that under no circumstances were you speeding and that's going to be hard to do when you're admitting on the side of the road that you're in fact speeding.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
Thanks for your response.
I realize it was dumb to admit that fact to the officer. I am requesting a trial for it. I spoke with my insurance company and they said, it won't increase my premium as it's my first offence.
I have been cruising around 115-120 range ever since I got my license (~7 yrs) and this is the first time I got a ticket. I don't know if I should consider myself lucky all this time or unlucky this time.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
alef007 wrote:Thanks for your response.
I realize it was dumb to admit that fact to the officer. I am requesting a trial for it. I spoke with my insurance company and they said, it won't increase my premium as it's my first offence.
I have been cruising around 115-120 range ever since I got my license (~7 yrs) and this is the first time I got a ticket. I don't know if I should consider myself lucky all this time or unlucky this time.
Get that in writing from the lyin monkey at your insurance company that made that B.S. statement. Your rates are going up a minimum 10%.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
hawaii wrote:Get that in writing from the lyin monkey at your insurance company that made that B.S. statement. Your rates are going up a minimum 10%.
It's not uncommon for an insurance company to offer first time "ticket forgiveness" on what would normally be considered a minor conviction. It depends on the provider.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
Absolutely. My agency gives you the first for free.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
Getting ticketed for 120 in a 100 is actually pretty common; i saw two people at the Newmarket Courthouse this past summer plea a +20 to a +10, and they were all caught on the 407ETR.
Re: 120km/h On 100km/h @hwy 401 - Chatham Region
Getting ticketed for 120 in a 100 is actually pretty common; i saw two people at the Newmarket Courthouse this past summer plea a +20 to a +10, and they were all caught on the 407ETR.
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