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140km/h And Was Given 115km/h Ticket
Hello Everybody,
I hope everyone is having a good day. I was stopped by an O.P.P officer on 401 express East on Dixie road doing 140 km/h passing the officer on my right(undercover cruiser). He stopped me right away, he didn't follow me or anything and pulled me over. He came to my window and asked me for License, registration and proof of insurance. I was pretty scared and probably seemed a Little bit nervous and asked him for a break and apologized and told him that i was late for my final exam, showed him my exam schedule. My exam was at 8am and was pulled over at 7:33, he was very professional and i think he used his discretion wisely and gave me a 115km/h ticket and asked me if i can park my car on the highway for couple hours and i replied with a yes and he wrote a note/sticker on my car that in case someone pulls up ex- tow trucks, officer or anyone they will see the note/sticker and they wont tow my car. After all was done he gave me ride to my university with his lights on and i was able to reach my exam hall on time. I just wanna say thanks to the officer. and my question is I'm 19 year old male currently registered as 2nd party insurance and was wondering how much will my insurance go up by per year?
Thank you in Advance,
Re: 140km/h And Was Given 115km/h Ticket
Just to get this straight the officer had you leave a parked car on the shoulder of the 401 express lanes for no other reason than to shuttle you to your exam? (I don't think I believe this story given the amount of danger you will be exposed to when you go pick up your car not to mention how unsafe it will be for other drivers.)
To answer your question if the insurance sees any conviction on your record your rates could easily double/triple/be cancelled for someone your age or not be effected at all (it will depend on your insurer and the records of the other drivers on the policy)
Last bumped by isunnyparmar on Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:40 pm.
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