
Doing 135km/h On The Highway. Reduced To 119km/h

Author: Sheed

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Doing 135km/h On The Highway. Reduced To 119km/h

Unread post by Sheed »

I was on highway 417 coming from kanata in the morning and i was going about 135 km/h according to the cop, when i thought i was only doing 125 km/h.. The officer reduced it to 119km/h probably because it was my first ticket but that still includes 3 demerit points. I really cant afford my insurance to go up and i need help on what i should do. any suggestions?

I'm going to the place where i pay the ticket to schedule an appointment with a prosecutor to see if he can do something for me.

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Unread post by racer »

No, unfortunately you have to file for a trial here. Do not plead guilty. Ask for a trial (Option 3, check "Officer Present" too). Then you see to the prosecutor.

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Radar Identified
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Sheed wrote:I'm going to the place where i pay the ticket to schedule an appointment with a prosecutor to see if he can do something for me.

The only thing the Prosecutor might do is drop it to 15 over, but the officer already brought it down to 19 over, which is a pretty common "plea bargaining point" for people caught going 30-40 over. So, getting a deal would be a bit of a challenge.

With respect to your insurance, maybe do a little bit of checking and see if any ticket will affect your rates, or if one or two minor ones may be let go... or you could find an insurer that follows that line of thinking. Then go from there. Some insurers will let a 15-over ticket go, others treat it as "a ticket is a ticket."

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