
Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Author: Sinjin

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Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by Sinjin »

So I was returning from my honeymoon in Montreal, and was cruising down the 401 just inside the Ontario/Quebec border. I was passing one of the Onroute stations and saw an OPP cruiser. I checked my speed and I was doing 120. A few kilometers up the road the cruiser pulled me over and told me I was clocked doing 132 by the aircraft. I was a little surprised to see the ticket was for the full 32 over (I was polite, had all my info readily available etc), but I'm wondering what my chances are of beating the ticket, or if I should even bother. I'm considering calling to see if there is any way of doing it over the phone (doubtful!). I understand both officers have to be available for court, but you would think they would arrange this with this kind of radar set up. I'm guessing the officer saw I lived 400km away, so they nailed me to the wall knowing it would be difficult for me to attend court (gas alone would cost almost as much as the ticket! Not to mention the day off of work!)


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Re: Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by bend »

Sinjin wrote:but I'm wondering what my chances are of beating the ticket, or if I should even bother.

It doesn't sound like you have a defense going. Your chances of beating this ticket are just as good as anyone else who requests a trial for a ticket without a defense. Maybe you'll catch a break along the way, but there's no secret handshake that will make it go away. If you want to go down this path, request a trial, request disclosure, and go from there.

Some would argue every ticket is worth fighting over. If you're going to just plead guilty, at least try to get your ticket reduced.

Sinjin wrote:I'm considering calling to see if there is any way of doing it over the phone (doubtful!).

You can't have a trial over the phone.

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Re: Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by Sinjin »

I've never received a ticket where there were 2 officers involved.. Do both officers names have to be on the ticket? Or just the one writing it? On my ticket there is one officer, and the notation "Aircraft" in the corner..

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Re: Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by Stanton »

No, only the name of the officer who issued you the ticket will appear on it. The other officer's information/notes would be included in disclosure if you request it.

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Re: Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by OPS Copper »

A ticket reduction is not automatic nor is it a right. You are not entitled to an automatic reduction. I rarely reduce tickets. I either write one or I issue a warning. But for the most part if your getting a ticket your getting it all. If the crown wants to reduce that's their business.


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Re: Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by Decatur »

+1 to the above comment.

A vast majority of officers who are radar instructors or assigned to a traffic enforcement unit will either write the ticket at the reading displayed on the speed measuring device or not write the ticket. Reduction of a ticket is left to the prosecutor. This is the most fair and consistent way of dealing with speed enforcement.

Where someone lives, what they're driving and prior convictions don't come into play at the roadside.

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Re: Aircraft Ticket Near Cornwall - Fight Or No Fight?

Unread post by xolunaxo »

You had the same ticket as mine back to few years ago.

Same charge, same method used, same authority, same# of officer, same location.

If I can choose again, I will choose option 3 for the ticket without doubts.

I paid the ticket not because I committed to the violation, but my new job prevented me from taking a day off to visit the court.

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