
Booked Last Night Hwy 400 At 145km In A Posted!

Author: jtiburon

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Booked Last Night Hwy 400 At 145km In A Posted!

Unread post by jtiburon »

Hi All,

I want to review my options for the incident that happened last night.

- heading south on hwy 400 at 11 pm

- was clocked by a radar gun by an OPP officer at 145 km/hr

- he issued me a ticket for 45 km over without any reductions

- he told me to go to court to speak with the prosecution to see what they can do.

My thoughts:

- Even if they drop me down to the next tier 29 km over I still lose three points. As of right now I am at 4 points for this ticket.

- I am worried about insurance rates but prior to this I had a 15 km over 1.5 years ago, 10km over 3 years ago and 10km over 5 years ago.

Should I go see what the prosecutor has to offer before seeking legal assistance?..or do I let legal assistance take over...they select a trial option and if they can't drop the ticket they try to plea for a lessor fine. In which case I'd be stuck at 3 points, the ticket fine and also the legal fees.

Any thoughts?

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Unread post by racer »

So, you have one ticket within 3 years already. Adding this one will be pretty bad.

I would file ticket with trial option, and start trying to get the case together. At the very least it will buy you some time. You can always check with what a paralegal can/can't do in the meantime, and what you yourself can/can't do. A reduced charge is still much better than 45 over FYI. Depending on insurer, that can mean a difference between large increase or a very small one in what you pay monthly.

"The more laws, the less justice" - Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Radar Identified
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jtiburon wrote:I am worried about insurance rates but prior to this I had a 15 km over 1.5 years ago, 10km over 3 years ago and 10km over 5 years ago.

The last two tickets are not on your insurance record. The first one you mentioned (15 km over 1 1/2 yrs ago) will be. I'd follow racer's advice. If nothing else, you can plead it down to a lesser speed.

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Re: Booked Last Night Hwy 400 At 145km In A Posted 100km...h

Unread post by TheForce »

Any follow up or experience in court?

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