
49 Over On The 400 + Some Extra Goodies...

Author: tristangemus

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Re: 49 Over On The 400 + Some Extra Goodies...

Unread post by gabe »

well the first thing i think you should do is request a trial (this doesn't mean you have to fight the ticket in court...yet). send a request for disclosure, to make sure the officer has notes written down against you. after getting disclosure you will see how strong of a case the officer will have against you. if you find that he doesn't have much on you, you can go to fight it. if you think they have lots on you, you can meet with the prosecutor and basically give him a sob sorry and since you have no other tickets he should reduce it dramatically.

but really before you pay anyone for what you can do for yourself for free. after you talk to people and have the disclosure from the cop who pulled you over you can make the decision to hire legal aid better.

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Court Results

Unread post by tristangemus »

Had my general court date today, the one with everyone else who received a ticket from that officer.

Original thread:

- 49 over reduced from 53 over on the spot (4 points)

- unsafe lane change (2 points)

- failure to surrender insurance

Over $500 in tickets

After having a 20 second discussion with the prosecutor, she reduced my speeding ticket to 29 over (3 points) and withdrew both other charges which was great. Yeah I walked out with three points but hey, they could have impounded my car! Overall, happy with the outcome.

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Simon Borys
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Re: 49 Over On The 400 + Some Extra Goodies...

Unread post by Simon Borys »

gabe wrote:after you talk to people and have the disclosure from the cop who pulled you over you can make the decision to hire legal aid better.

Just to clarify, you can't hire legal aid. You can hire a lawyer or a paralegal. You can apply for legal aid and, if successful, they will give you a certificate which you can use to hire a lawyer and then legal aid will pay the lawyer. That being said, legal aid usually only funds certificates for provincial offences if the crown is seeking jail time.

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