demoman wrote:Can i use this as my defense in court ?
Short answer is NO. Long answer is below....
There is no such thing as "going with the flow of traffic" when it comes to tickets. You're either speeding or you're not. If you notice drivers moving faster than you, move to the right lane and let them pass on the left instead of trying to keep up. If you manage to get singled out, that's just the luck of the draw. They aren't required to stop every person who has ever sped in order to convict one.
An Ontario licensed driving instructor isn't likely to teach a student to "go with the flow of traffic" if it means speeding. For starters, you'd fail your test. They absolutely rely on word of mouth references. They can't have students failing and trashing them to the rest of their 16 year old friends. Also, it's too easy to have the province come down on you and revoke their status as an Ontario approved instructor.
What your instructor likely taught you was to keep up with traffic. That means if you make a right turn into moving traffic, you shouldn't take all day to increase your speed and impede the drivers around you. That doesn't mean speed, just that everyone behind you shouldn't have to hit the brake lights when you merge and accelerate at a crawl.