Disobey Lane Sign
I'm sure my question has been posted many times but a search wasn't helpful.
I got a ticket on Feb 15th for "Disobey lan light", which I'm sure was meant to be Disobey Lane Light.
This was for not stopping for an amber light.
The officer also wrote down the wrong date; namely 2017 instead of 2018.
Are these mistakes significant enough to get the ticket quashed?
Re: Disobey Lane Sign
If the date is clearly 2017, then you can try to force a fatal error by not responding to the ticket. The JP should quash it, if not you appeal. There is a lot of info available on this.
Re: Disobey Lane Sign
Yes he has clearly written 2017.
There are other 7's and an 8 written on the ticket for comparison and there is no mistaking it, he's written 2017.
Consequently I will take your advice and not respond to the ticket. What are the precidents you have alluded to that I can look up?
Re: Disobey Lane Sign
I called the Court house today to see if the ticket had been quashed.
The clerk said there was no ticket on the system and was of the opinion that the officer may not have filed it.
I asked if I should call back in a couple of weeks and she agreed with that.
Re: Disobey Lane Sign
I would think that was a logical explanation. Either the officer or someone else at the station noticed the wrong date and binned it. They could serve you a replacement ticket but the chances of that are essentially nil.
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