
Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Author: kkms

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Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by kkms »

I'm really not sure what to do and I need some guidance. So the other day I was driving home and I was passing by an all stop sign in Mississauga, I saw from ahead that there was no one there so I did sort of a rolling stop for literally the first time ever cause I was in a hurry to get home, and just my luck there was a cop hiding in the side. I got pulled over and got a Section 136 (1) (a) ticket for a $110. So I figured I'd pay the fine and be done with it, but I was doing some research and found that it comes with 3 demerit points?! But I looked at the ticket again and it was Section 136 (1)(c).. C!! Does anyone know what this means? I have no idea what to do, I'm the second driver for my dads car and I just finally got the courage to drive again after a got into an accident a little while ago (I was not at fault) and this happens now. I am completely devastated and I don't want to tell my parents any of this, but I'm scared they will find out.. is there anything I can do? How much will my insurance go up (My parents are with statefarm but it recently got bought by desjardins) Please help :(

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by iFly55 »

I believe this is a fatal error. HTA S136(1)(c) does not exist and is not known to law:

Disobey Stop Sign is S136 (1)(a)

You've gotten extremely lucky, please search the forums on how to introduce a forced fatal error. We have many many threads that will walk you through the very simple process.

Here's a recent thread: ... tml#p34472

Was your ticket hand written?

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by kkms »

Thank you so much!! and yes it was hand written! If you or anyone else has anymore information as to what I should do from here on that would be grreat!!

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by kkms »

this is the ticket

Ticket deleted by forum moderator to protect identity of the OP
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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by argyll »

With handwriting it's tough because the argument could be made that's a very scribbled 'a' just not completed. It does look more like a 'c' for sure but it's not a slam-dunk like it would be if it was typed.

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by Radar Identified »

That looks like a "c" to me. I'd call it a fatal error. I'd follow iFly55's advice.

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by jsherk »

Yes good potential for fatal error!

So to get a fatal error to stick, you can NOT take it to trial. If you take it to trial they could amend the ticket and correct it. If you do not go to trial they can not amend it.

Hopefully JP will see the error and scrap the ticket. If not, you can appeal the decision.

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by ynotp »

I agree, it does not resemble an A in any way.

Since it has a plate number on it, can someone please delete this photo?

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Now that we all agree that the ticket has a fatal flaw, the pic was deleted.

I think you're in luck.

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Re: Failing To Obey Stop Sign: Section 136(1)(a) Or (1)(c)??

Unread post by RonK »

Hello, iFly55

I am wondering did you win the Ticket?

I have the same Error on my ticket.

136(1)(c), if you could let me know that would be awesome.

Thanks Ron

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