
Need Advice On Highway Traffic Section 144(9),

Author: simplymoom

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Need Advice On Highway Traffic Section 144(9),

Unread post by simplymoom »

On the 16th of September, 2009, at 6:25 pm, at Emarald Ln., city of Vaughan I was stop by police officer and being given me ticket on proceed contrary to the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC section 144(9),that I denied.

1.The traffic ticket "location code4863 offence N0500582A has Non-Fatal Error; incorrect address or incorrect location. I was stop by police officer at Emarald Ln., city of Vaughan and not at Village gate, Toronto. Restriction traffic hours for Village gate are 7-9a.m . on my ticket 6.25 p.m but restriction hours for Emarald Ln. are 5-7 p.m It is intersection where south side of Steeles ave. is Village gate (Toronto) that become on the north side of Steeles the Emarald Ln. (Vaughan). why Police officer put on the ticket Village gate, because he is officer of Toronto city and not Vaughan city? does he aloud to stop me in Vaughan city, if he is Toronto officer and why he put on address Village gate? Is it Non-fatal error or not?

2.I was accuse of crossing intersection NB Village gate and Steeles ave.W. I denied offence that elegant on the ticket, because I did make right turn from Steels ave. W. to Emarald ln., were I was stop by police officer at about 150-200m after intersection. The time of subject matter was 6.25 p.m that is mostly busy hours at Steeles ave. At same time police officer stoped at list 6 cars, some of them did go through the intersection and some were turn from Steeles ave. All stoped cars were small sedan cars, like mine. I assume officer could not see clear what car was coming from what direction. A specially, what officer was standing at list 200-2500m from intersection and after the curve on the east side of Emarald Ln. (I have a picturs to submit). Pic. taken from both sides, where ofiicer was standing and from actual intersection. And on the pic. You can see, that the officer could not see clear intersection. + you can see shape of the street (the curve , where officer was hiding. + Emarald is wide street, in each direction 2 lanes to proceed, Ive being on the right lane after making my turn from Steeles. How can I argue on this point? Should I? what evidence police officer can submit?

It is my first ticket, clean record, have no experience in trails...

My trial on march 15, I hope to get some advice till… thank you .

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Simon Borys
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Re: Need Advice On Highway Traffic Section 144(9),

Unread post by Simon Borys »

1) Doesn't matter where you were stopped, police officers have the authority to act anywhere in Ontario.

2) If you believe the officer couldn't see you properly, then just tell the JP that and explain why you believe that to be the case.

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Re: Need Advice On Highway Traffic Section 144(9),

Unread post by simplymoom »

thank you again

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