No U Turn (display Sign)
I was coming out from the parking lot of COSTCO at Warden Ave, I made a right turn then going north, there is an island and at the end of it there is a "No U Turn". I continued driving for about 75 yards and then I made the U Turn.
I drove north on Warden, the Police Cruiser was behibd me, I past Ellesmere and about 150 yards, north of Ellesmere, the Police put on the lights. I stopped and the officer told me that I made a U Turn. I asked him if the sign controls the whole street or a specific distance. He said that the sign is valid for the whole street. He charged me with "Display Sign".
My question is a sign in effect for the whole street on what. I really would like somebody to explain to me as I might loose 2 points if I am found guilty.
I can't figure out your route. You said you made a right out of Cosco on to Warden (heading north), then made a u-turn on Warden and were (still) heading north. Refer to the image and clarify please.

Failing To Obey Sign
The U Turn I made was not at Warden. When I Left Costco, I made a right turn on the first street exiting the parking lot. At the first street I made a right turn and that is where the island dividing the road into two. I drove north on that road then as I said after passing the NO U TURN by about 75 Yards then I made the U TURN thus drivin south on that road then it turns west and then I made the right turn on Warden i.e. going north.
I hope this will clarify the issue.
Again Thanks for your help
OK, I thought there might be a driveway somewhere between the sign and the point where you turned. But there isn't, so I don't see any defense to the charge. They can't post a sign every 50 feet. You have to assume the sign would be binding at least until the next driveway or intersection.
Also, no U-turn can be made at a curve if apposing traffic can not see you at 150m .
Sorry, I see no defense.
What if there was a driveway near where he turned? I got a No U-turn ticket just south of Ellesmere making a left turn into the Tim Horton. The turn into the Tim Hortons is a left turn and is connected to an apartment building's driveway. Are there any options to winning this? I mean this is clearly not a U Turn and on top of that, the driveway to the apartment building confuses the issue. Your help would be appreciated..
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