
Fail To Stop For School Bus Should I Fight It

Author: Mikelmal

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Joined: Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:16 pm

Fail To Stop For School Bus Should I Fight It

Unread post by Mikelmal »

Hi I was pulled over today for failing to stop for school bus in Hamilton Ontario now the bus was on other side of street I'm pretty sure the lights weren't on no sigh out and it was right at an intersection I didn't notice right away as I was paying attention to traffic the I heared honking I looked in mirrors didn't know what I did there also was a co-op about 3 to 4 cars behind the bus it seen me the cop pulled a u 2 cars that were behind me pulled over first then the cop got behind me and I immediately pulled over now the question is should I fight it for a lesser charge by going to trial cause I really feel if I had seen lights or any sigh I would have stopped always do never had that happen before I feel I had no time to make a stop as I was going through intersection at the time any help be great thanx

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