
Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Author: Sailmate

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Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Unread post by Sailmate »

My son (G2 driver) received a "Summons to Defendant" last week for failing to stop school Bus. The bus was stoped on the north side of the street (northbound traffic) and my son was on the south side (southbound traffic) it was a 4 lane street with a center turn lane (5 all together). There is a whole explanation as all the traffic in the southbound lane kept moving, however my son and another vehicle behind him pulled over (as they thought the police car was going to go after the cars ahead) and both cars got Summons.

My question is why was he given a Summons to Defendant as opposed to a ticket with a fine? Charged under 175 (11),

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Unread post by jsherk »

Police are allowed to issue either a Notice of Offense (normal ticket) or a Summons. For some charges they can only issue a Summons.

Not sure if failing to stop for bus is a summons only type ticket or not, but if either can be issued it is just the officers discretion as to which he wants to use.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Unread post by screeech »

There is a set fine for a School Bus charge: $400 ++ =$490, as well it is 5 points so a G2 driver, if convicted, will get a 30 licence suspension from the Ministry...Not sure why a summons was issued, there may be more to this story than we were told...

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Unread post by argyll »

Indeed. If a number of infractions occur and any one of them results in a Summons then all of the documents have to be Summonses. To the OP, are you sure your son didn't get another Summons for a non-ticketable offence that he hasn't told you about ?

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

The only reason I would believe a summons would be issued is if he was charged under 175(19) as the owner. Was the summons issued the same day, or more than 30 days but less than 6 months after the incident? If the summons was issued the same day then as above states, he had to receive a summons for another non-ticketable offense.

Also bear in mind, it is a 6 DEMERIT POINT OFFENSE, therefore since your son has a G2, he would have to attend an interview to discuss why your license should not be suspended (on top of the Administrative 30 days), and the interview costs $50. If your son don't pay the cost of the interview or don't show up, they will suspend the license. ... #section-3
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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus G2 Driver

Unread post by bend »

UnluckyDuck wrote:The only reason I would believe a summons would be issued is if he was charged under 175(19) as the owner. Was the summons issued the same day, or more than 30 days but less than 6 months after the incident? If the summons was issued the same day then as above states, he had to receive a summons for another non-ticketable offense.

It wouldn't make a difference whether or not someone is charged as the driver or the owner. The officer pulled over the driver so he wouldn't be charging the owner in the first place. The set fine is still the same.

UnluckyDuck wrote:Also bear in mind, it is a 6 DEMERIT POINT OFFENSE, therefore since your son has a G2, he would have to attend an interview to discuss why your license should not be suspended (on top of the Administrative 30 days), and the interview costs $50. If your son don't pay the cost of the interview or don't show up, they will suspend the license. ... #section-3

This is all incorrect. The escalating sanctions suspension is the punishment. There's no interview. Interviews are for novice drivers who collect points in drips and drabs. If you are convicted of an offense that carries 4 or more demerit points (and you're a novice driver), your license will be suspended for 30 days (first offense) and your abstract will show zero points. Otherwise, you'd go for a meeting and get suspended again for a conviction you've already been suspended for. Also, it's not an administrative suspension. You will be suspended upon conviction.

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Unread post by Nanuk »

argyll wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:28 am

Indeed. If a number of infractions occur and any one of them results in a Summons then all of the documents have to be Summonses. To the OP, are you sure your son didn't get another Summons for a non-ticketable offence that he hasn't told you about ?

Where does this procedure come from ? I’ve only seen this in the Ottawa area, in other places I’ve seen people get both part 1 and part 3 for multiple offences on the same traffic stop ...

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