
144(18) Disclosure

Author: syxoi38

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Re: 144(18) Disclosure

Unread post by syxoi38 »

Decatur wrote:The prosecutor doesn't have to offer anything at anytime. They do it to sometimes to streamline the court docket. Ie offering someone a reduced fine or dropping one ticket for a plea on another

So did I screw myself over completely or can I reason with the next prosecutor if I decide to plea guilty?

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Re: 144(18) Disclosure

Unread post by Decatur »

You won't know until that time comes. In our jurisdiction we have a full time prosecutor and one other that assists. They both take good notes for each other and have good memories.

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Re: 144(18) Disclosure

Unread post by highwaystar »

I think if you want any chance at still getting a deal, you better contact the prosecutor via email (in writing) soon. It is almost certain that they will not offer you a 3rd offer (or even the same one!) if you were warned on the record, and especially if you actually make them go through with preparing for the trial and calling the officer as a witness. As others have said, they don't have to make you ANY offers any time. But, if they made you an offer in the past, then they may still be up for it if you contact them soon and let them know that they no longer have to proceed with preparing for the trial. If you wait till trial day, unless the officer doesn't show up (which is extremely rare nowadays!), you'll have virtually NO chance for any resolution. In fact, they might decide to ask for a bigger fine since the set fine no longer applies but rather the statutory fines.

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Re: 144(18) Disclosure

Unread post by syxoi38 »

highwaystar wrote:I think if you want any chance at still getting a deal, you better contact the prosecutor via email (in writing) soon. It is almost certain that they will not offer you a 3rd offer (or even the same one!) if you were warned on the record, and especially if you actually make them go through with preparing for the trial and calling the officer as a witness. As others have said, they don't have to make you ANY offers any time. But, if they made you an offer in the past, then they may still be up for it if you contact them soon and let them know that they no longer have to proceed with preparing for the trial. If you wait till trial day, unless the officer doesn't show up (which is extremely rare nowadays!), you'll have virtually NO chance for any resolution. In fact, they might decide to ask for a bigger fine since the set fine no longer applies but rather the statutory fines.

Funny you say that, never saw this post until now. As an update I had trial this week. Officer never showed up and charges were dropped. Thanks for all the help and advice.

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Re: 144(18) Disclosure

Unread post by jsherk »

Congratulations on the win... Take it anyway you can! :D

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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