
Fail To Stop - Amber Light And Fail To Have Insurance Card

Author: cdavidson982

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Fail To Stop - Amber Light And Fail To Have Insurance Card

Unread post by cdavidson982 »

Hi All,

New to the forums here and last year an officer got me for Amber Light Fail to Stop, And Fail to have insurance Card. My first question here is regarding the Insurance Card. I was unaware that I showed the officer an expired Insurance Card. After he told me it was expired, I showed him the current one but he still wrote me the ticket and said go to court and show them that you have insurance and it will get dropped, im not sure how this would work?

My second question is regarding Amber Light Fail to Stop. It was 7 am on Jan 17th of 2020.

Here are the officers notes:

1 On Jan 17 2020 I [REDACTED] was working general patrol in the City of

2 Pickering when I was sitting at the intersection of Brock Rd and Hwy 7. I

3 was travelling North on Brock Rd and was stopped waiting for East and West

4 traffic to stop for the light. The light turned from green t amber and

5 traffic was coming to a stop at which time I observed a red SUV accelerate

6 and speed through the intersection. The light turned from amber to Red while

7 the SUV was still in the intersection. The male driver was stopped and

8 identified with a valid Ontario Drivers Licence. Male was issued a ticket

9 for Amber Light

The prosecutor has offered the following:

Wording: Disobey Lane Light (0 points)

Section: HTA s. 144 (10)(b)

Fine: $ 85 + victim fine surcharge and costs, total payable $ 110

Withdraw: Failure to Have Insurance

The prosecutor wants to get this settled and guilty plea for this Wednesday.

This would be my second ticket on file and my first one is waived from my insurance so this is bound to make my rates go up. I wanted to know if there's any chance in fighting this? Could I play the excuse of having no winter tires? It was -10 degrees that day. Could I say I had cars behind me and did not felt safe stopping? Could I use experience to my advantage and say with my 15 years of driving, I did not feel safe stopping without winter tires and having a car behind me?

Officers notes do not say if there was a car behind me or not. Also, looks like if i take the prosecutor offer, they are willing to drop the insurance card ticket right away but if I choose to go to court, will I have to defend myself in this as well?

First time on this forum, so looking for all the help I can get. Thanks!

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Re: Fail To Stop - Amber Light And Fail To Have Insurance Card

Unread post by bend »

cdavidson982 wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:16 am

Could I play the excuse of having no winter tires? It was -10 degrees that day.

Ultimately, it would your responsibility to drive according to the conditions. Whether it's -10°C and snowing or 30°C and raining, it's up to the driver to accommodate his or her driving.

cdavidson982 wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:16 am

Could I say I had cars behind me and did not felt safe stopping?

The vehicles behind you wouldn't be considered your legal responsibility. They have their obligations as a driver and you'd have yours.

cdavidson982 wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:16 am

Also, looks like if i take the prosecutor offer, they are willing to drop the insurance card ticket right away but if I choose to go to court, will I have to defend myself in this as well?

Yes. They'd go ahead with both charges.

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Re: Fail To Stop - Amber Light And Fail To Have Insurance Card

Unread post by bend »

didntrealizespeed wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:35 pm

hey @bend. I really want to post my own issue. But, I am not able to post. Any reasons why?

If you're on my main page, scroll down and choose your offense. e.g. Stunt Driving is here.

"Start a new topic" can be found at the top next to the search bar.

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