
Failure To Stop For Pedestrian Ticket Please Help!

Author: EZ12

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Failure To Stop For Pedestrian Ticket Please Help!

Unread post by EZ12 »

Hi All,

I needed some advice for this ticket.

I was driving west on Eglinton ave. and was in the right hand lane. I came to the set of lights at Eglinton and Trethewey. I notice the police officer following me for two km. At the intersection I had a red light and the crosswalk light was on. I made sure that there was no pedestrians in the walkway made the right. Looked in my rear view mirror notice the police officer went thru right after me. He then put his lights on and pulled me over. I did not hit anyone and no pedestian was in the crosswalk. I was give then ticket for Failure to Stop for Pedestrain. The ticket is for 180.00. My court date is for tomorrow and I need help. Is there anyway to fight this ticket.

Thank you for your help in advance.

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Re: Failure To Stop For Pedestrian Ticket Please Help!

Unread post by EZ12 »

Any help would be great!

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Radar Identified
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Re: Failure To Stop For Pedestrian Ticket Please Help!

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Well this is a bit late to start asking for help... did you get disclosure of any of the evidence against you?

If you didn't, you could try plea-bargaining to a lesser offence.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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