
Hta 136 (1)(9)failure To Stop At Stop Sign Wrong Character

Author: edfun

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Hta 136 (1)(9)failure To Stop At Stop Sign Wrong Character

Unread post by edfun »

HTA 136 (1)(9)Failure to Stop at Stop Sign wrong character

Hello, my ticket sect.# has a nine in it instead of an a, the other a ,s in the ticket are all correct.

The a that he used looks like a number nine used in my drivers license number..

Can this ticket be quashed for that? I have pleaded not guilty, I believe i stopped

and I have filed for disclosure. Help appreciated

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Re: Hta 136 (1)(9)failure To Stop At Stop Sign Wrong Charact

Unread post by Squishy »

Probably just curved it in anticipation of the closed parenthesis coming up. I'll do that sometimes when writing quickly. It's a very minor error, if at all; it won't affect the ticket.

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Re: Hta 136 (1)(9)failure To Stop At Stop Sign Wrong Charact

Unread post by edfun »

This happened at a three-way stop where the officer was parked in a no parking zone downtown with high buildings, I approach the stop sign, stopped back of the stop bar and was going to turn left, slowed down when I seen the officer there and continued to go straight instead of turning . the officer stopped me a block away at the next intersection. If a car was coming up behind the officer and I made my turn there would have been traffic interference because the oncoming car would have been partially in my lane due to the police cruiser being there. Apparently there have been accidents there for this reason.

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