
Red Light Camera Ticket While Turning Right

Author: RosieLee

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Red Light Camera Ticket While Turning Right

Unread post by RosieLee »

:twisted: I received a notice that I had a red light ticket for failing to stop

in the first picture the red light had been red for 0.9 seconds

In the second picture I am clearly turning right the light had been red for 2.5 seconds. so I clearly stopped for some amount of time

also the postal code on the ticket is my old postal code but it is the same as the postal code on my licence.

i opted to speak to the JP what are my options when I meet with them

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Re: Red Light Camera Ticket While Turning Right

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

Where did you stop your vehicle? If your tires were stopped before the white line, your good and should take it to trial, as you did not fail to stop. Even if you stop, you must stop before the white line, otherwise its not considered stopping (which is what I believe to have happened).

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Re: Red Light Camera Ticket While Turning Right

Unread post by bend »

These cameras activate through speed sensors. They activate at something like 20km+ the moment your vehicle is in front of the line. The first photo should be your vehicle right on the line along with red light. The second photo will show your vehicle proceeded through the red. Sometimes your vehicle wont be in the second picture. That's because the person hasn't stopped while making a right. If your vehicle is still in the second photo, the assumption is you hadn't stopped until well after the line.

As for your postal code, i'm not sure I follow. Is the postal code also wrong on your current license? It's your responsibility to make sure your address is correct and up to date. It's not a courtesy, it's a requirement.

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Re: Red Light Camera Ticket While Turning Right

Unread post by RosieLee »

I understand that it has nothing to do with the licence as the red light is not from your licence

my car is seen turning left in the second picture the first picture is of me at the line

you can see my break lights and my turn signal

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Re: Red Light Camera Ticket While Turning Right

Unread post by bend »

RosieLee wrote:my car is seen turning left in the second picture the first picture is of me at the line

you can see my break lights and my turn signal

I'm going to assume you mean right and not left as you already pointed out you were turning right.

Correct, the first picture will always show you at the line. The point of the first picture is to show your vehicle behind the line while the light is red. The picture will show your vehicle behind the line and you should also be able to make out the red light. It will also tell you how long the light was red when the picture was taken (0.9 seconds). Above the picture there's usually a black bar with camera information and it may also tell you the speed. What's the speed listed?

The second picture will show that your vehicle proceeded past the line. It will also show you how long the light was red when that picture was taken (2.5 seconds). When making a right, you have to stop at the line on a red. Once you stop, you can move your vehicle forward to get a better view. It's irrelevant whether or not the second picture shows a turn signal and brake lights. The question will be did you stop at the line before proceeding past it.

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