
Failing To Wear Seat Belt

Author: innocentfella

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Failing To Wear Seat Belt

Unread post by innocentfella »

I received a ticket earlier this week for "driver failing to wear a seat belt - 106(2)" when I was seen without it at a stop sign. I put the seat belt back on as I turned into a street when I saw the police vehicle. I was simply removing the seat belt so I could get out and collect mail from our community mail box. I had explained that to the officer who waved me down and was issued the traffic ticket. He had told me to "pay attention to Option B", which is the early resolution selection. I was wondering if anybody could shed some light on what this option entails of? Would Option A be a better choice?

I am a teenager and would prefer if my driver's abstract remained clean. Thank you all for your time, any feedback is appreciated.

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Re: Failing To Wear Seat Belt

Unread post by ynotp »

Meeting with a prosecutor is only if you want to plead guilty to a reduced fine/points/charge. If you want a clean abstract the only chance (unless you have a fatal error on your ticket) is to file for a trial, review the evidence against you and decide if from there what you should do. (if you admitted driving without a seat belt to the officer it will be in his notes and it is going to make a trial win next to impossible without a technicality)

Even if you plead guilty to a 0 points reduced fine charge the insurance company will in all likelihood count the conviction against you the same as though you had the full seat belt violation. If you have a G2 points might be a be a bigger issue for you.

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Re: Failing To Wear Seat Belt

Unread post by bend »

xolunaxo wrote:OPTION 3

The options aren't always listed in the same order depending on where the ticket was issued.

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