
Appealing A Demerit Suspension

Author: jen2257

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Appealing A Demerit Suspension

Unread post by jen2257 »

Long story short - I was sent notice to attend a meeting with the Ministry after accumulating 9 demerit points. Unfortunately I never received the notice because I had recently moved to a different city. I didn't show up for the meeting and my licence was suspended. I received the suspension notice at my new house and immediately took care of it and it was re-instated within 48 hours. I want to know if there is any grounds to appeal the suspension as I can't have this on my driver's record (paramedic). Can I argue that I never received notice of the suspension? My licence was suspended under section 47. (1) (b) but the requirements for providing notice under section 47.1 don't speak to this type of suspension. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Radar Identified
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Re: Appealing A Demerit Suspension

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Basically the notice is deemed to have been served within 7 days (I think) after being sent out. I don't really think it can be appealed, unfortunately. You could try contacting MTO to see if there is a process to do so, but I'm fairly sure it can't be changed, since it is an administrative suspension. Court-ordered suspensions can sometimes be appealed, but not administrative ones.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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