
Are Flashing Led Lights Legal At The Back Of A Car? Ontario

Author: Law2Law

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Are Flashing Led Lights Legal At The Back Of A Car? Ontario

Unread post by Law2Law »

Hey all,

New to this website, but i got a questions that needs some answers.

I recently saw a SECURITY car with flashing BLUE light at the REAR of the car while he was attending a scene of an accident> guess he saw it first and decided to make sure everyone was ok< the light was a SINGLE flash. Now the HTA doesn't really say much about NO BLUE to the BACK, only to the front, and i have seen a discussion on here that only PLOW trucks and police are allowed to have blue flashing lights?

Restriction on use of flashing blue light

(32) No person shall operate a lamp that produces intermittent flashes of blue light on a highway except,

(a) a person operating a road service vehicle in the circumstances described in subsection (31); or

(b) a person operating a police department vehicle, together with a lamp that produces intermittent flashes of red light, as permitted by subsection (14.1). 2007, c. 13, s. 17 (8).

Penalty – commercial motor vehicle

My question is would that SECURITY guard get fined when police arrive? I mean he is trying to help someone and make sure that no further cars are included in the collision, however i have heard that a car can have ANY color of emergency lights at the back so long it is ONE flash? Can anyone help me out with this?

Thanks to all

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Re: Are Flashing Led Lights Legal At The Back Of A Car? Onta

Unread post by hwybear »

Yes flashing blue is prohibited and a ticket could be issued. I would issue that offence, and consider an arrest for impersonating a police officer

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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