
Avoid Clicking Bot Posts. Please Read Here!

Author: OHTA

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Avoid Clicking Bot Posts. Please Read Here!

Unread post by OHTA »

Please avoid clicking on any posts that you may see that refer to any sort of explicit and profane nature.

What happens is that there are BOTS that crawl the net and are preprogrammed to find forum sites such as this, sign up, and post their links and messages.

These type of postings are known as forum spam and our site does not endorse these type of posts and we encourage our members to NOT click any of the BOT posts.

It is likely that you as a user may not ever encounter such posts made by the BOTS, as our Moderation team is actively alert on this forum and will Delete any BOT post ASAP!

We are using our best abilities in this matter and encourage you to NOT click on any BOTS post that you may see on the forum. Even for curiosity!

Thank You for you cooperation in this matter.



Site Admin.

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