
Can I Make A Uturn On A Red Light If It Is Safe To Do So?

Author: Vgibbs

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Can I Make A Uturn On A Red Light If It Is Safe To Do So?

Unread post by Vgibbs »

I live in an area of Scarborough ON. where our main roadway has a 10’ concrete median dividing the east a westbound traffic so it is very common that you must pass your destination on the left and make a uturn at the next traffic light to get where you are going. Recently I was in the car with my son (a new G1 driver) and we needed to do exactly as I described above however I proceeded to make my uturn while the traffic light was still red in my direction. My son got quite upset saying I had gone through a red light but I argued that I never entered the intersection but rather just drove around the median and that I had a clear view of all traffic both car and pedestrian in all directions. Despite feeling I had done nothing wrong I came home and tried to find out if I had in fact broken the law. However, I can not find a clear answer to my question. Can anyone here help me as I maybe teaching my son bad habits?

Thanks kindly,


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Re: Can I Make A Uturn On A Red Light If It Is Safe To Do So?

Unread post by Decatur »

I’m just wondering how you could have a red light that’s not at an intersection. Perhaps give us the location to look at via google maps.

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Unread post by bend »

If we're indeed talking about a red at an intersection, your son is correct. There are only two exemptions for proceeding.

Red light

(18) Every driver approaching a traffic control signal showing a circular red indication and facing the indication shall stop his or her vehicle and shall not proceed until a green indication is shown. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (18).


Exception – turn

(19) Despite subsection (18) and subject to subsection (14), a driver, after stopping his or her vehicle and yielding the right of way to traffic lawfully approaching so closely that to proceed would constitute an immediate hazard, may,

(a) turn to the right; or

(b) turn to the left from a one-way street into a one-way street,

without a green indication being shown. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (19).

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Re: Can I Make A Uturn On A Red Light If It Is Safe To Do So?

Unread post by Zatota »

You entered the intersection. Once you cross the solid stop line, you have entered the intersection. That line will always be either even with or before the end of the median or the concrete curb.

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Re: Can I Make A Uturn On A Red Light If It Is Safe To Do So?

Unread post by Vgibbs »

Ummm, so how if the exception is a “turn” from a one way to a one way is it not legal? Just because it is a uturn does not make it not a turn and I am going from a one way road to a one way road as the 2 directions are separated. I know I’m being a pain but what I am looking for is what traffic violation I could potentially be fined with. I might be over thinking but this issue seems to be a little grey.

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Re: Can I Make A Uturn On A Red Light If It Is Safe To Do So?

Unread post by Decatur »

If you read the section listed it says you can turn to the left from a one way street into a one way street.

The street your on is not one way. Even if there’s a median.

And turning to the left, is a 90 degree turn, not a 180 degree.

The charge would be either Red light- proceed before green or Red light- fail to stop. Both $325 and 3 demerit points.

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