
Can Someone Clearify Lighting On A Motorcycle.

Author: pirish

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Can Someone Clearify Lighting On A Motorcycle.

Unread post by pirish »

Ok I've searched and the HTA makes little sense... (I swear they do it on purpose.) But anyways this is what I got out of it..

Motorcycles must have a minimum of at least one White or amber light in front (no more then 4 in total) and one red in back along with a white light for plate.

Front: I have my headlamp and 2 amber marker lights that are also my turn signals.

Rear: Bike only came with single rear red light by manufacture. I've been warned that I need to add license light, no worries there grabbing some bolts with white LED's for my plate.

No this is what I want to do while I'm in the wiring... I want to turn my rear signals and also make them into running lights so in the back I'll have 2 amber and the red light on making me more visible.... is this legal?

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Re: Can Someone Clearify Lighting On A Motorcycle.

Unread post by Stanton »

My understanding is that yes, it would be perfectly legal. I can't think of any lighting restrictions that it would contravene.

pirish wrote:Ok I've searched and the HTA makes little sense... (I swear they do it on purpose.)

It's like a piece of old computer code. Written in a language that most people don't understand, with so many modifications and additions over the years that even the "coders" get confused. I'd love to see them throw the whole thing out and start from scratch in straight forward, plain, clear english.

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Re: Can Someone Clearify Lighting On A Motorcycle.

Unread post by pirish »

talked to a cop today and he cleared it up...

Motorcycles Rear Position & signals can be either Red or Amber.....He did suggest going with red for position lighting and signals as quebec & most US states require that they be red... you know incase I drove there... Also it's the most common set up... driving around today I paid a little more attention and discovered that most newer vehicles have red signals...

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