
Car Repair Legal Question!!

Author: isaacneuton

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Car Repair Legal Question!!

Unread post by isaacneuton »

Here is my issue, I sent my car into a collision center and I wanted a quote from the company. They actually said I have to bring in half of the total till they can start the repair. So I said okay Ill bring it in. I never gave them $2200 or half of the price for the car to be fixed and they actually already fixed the car. So as they constantly harass me about paying them I receive a notice in the mail about how the car was parked on a street in SCARBOROUGH and the collision center is in Mississauga. SOOO as i notified them the man payed the ticket and said he would bring the car on monday and that he would give it back to me and he will issue me a monthly payment system. SO NOW i went there and he said he cant give it back and hes still asking for another 1800 (as i already payed him 3000 at this point) SO PROBLEM IS WHAT LEGAL ACTION CAN I TAKE!

The car had no ownership and no insurance in the vehicle

We dont know how many KM's theyve driven with my vehicle

They drove the car without my PERMISSION

I am so angry with how they have treated me and my car!

Any suggestions?

High Authority
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Re: Car Repair Legal Question!!

Unread post by Stanton »

Your dilemma has nothing to do with the Highway Traffic Act. Repair shops can put liens on vehicles for which money is owing as per the Repair and Storage Liens Act. Any argument over whether the work was authorized or not would be a civil matter to deal with through the Courts.

Time Lord
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Re: Car Repair Legal Question!!

Unread post by Time Lord »

they may be able to put a lien but they cant steal your car .... only the police can do that...but they say its legal. Go and take your car back by tow truck if neccessary.

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