
Changing Lanes After A Right Turn

Author: sess

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Changing Lanes After A Right Turn

Unread post by sess »

does anyone know if there is a law about how soon after turning right at an intersection one is allowed to change lanes ???

for some reason i have it in my head that it's something like 45 or 50 meters ... but i can't find such a stipulation in the act.

... and if someone does know ... do you know where i can find this law in writing ???


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Unread post by Reflections »

If you are talking about multi-lane roads then just follow the painted lines. If the line are solid, you are not allowed to change lanes, if they are dashed then feel free to move about the roadway. :D OR
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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Reflections wrote: if they are dashed then feel free to move about the roadway.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

sess wrote:does anyone know if there is a law about how soon after turning right at an intersection one is allowed to change lanes ???

As long as you've turned into the corresponding lane (e.g. turned from right-most lane into right-most lane), you can change lanes immediately thereafter. Sections 141 and 154 of the HTA are the relevant ones.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Unread post by ponyboyt »

this must be a pretty big one for tickets. I dono how many times i've almost hit someone cause the guy behind me turns into the far lane and is in a bigger hurry than i am. I always use the closest lane and then change immediatly after i turn if there was no traffic. I can usualy tell if the guy behind me is going for the far lane to get around me during the turn. Waiting for someone to hit me but no luck yet :P

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