
Combination Of "vehicles" Exceeds G Class License Max Wgt

Author: OvrBoard68

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Combination Of "vehicles" Exceeds G Class License Max Wgt

Unread post by OvrBoard68 »

Not sure where to best ask this question, so will try here.

I have a G licence. I have been asked by my employer to tow a large "trailer" with a truck.

The truck is a Dodge RAM 5500 with a GVRW of 8505 KG.

The "trailer", although having lights and brakes, does not have a licence plate. I've been told this "trailer" is excempt from requiring plates. It's GVRW is 4209 KG.

The combined weight of the two, adds up to 12741 KG, which exceeds the 11000KG max allowed with a G licence. A D licence would be more appropriate based on the weight.

So, I question whether I am permitted to operate this combination of vehicles. My employer states yes, but is unable to explain why clearly. Something about the towed piece eqt. not being a "vehicle" in this case. Can anyone cite any exemptions that my employer may be using to dismiss weight as a factor for operating this equipment? Or is it pretty cut and dry ... 12714 exceeds the max allowable 11000 KG for a G licenced driver regardless of the nature of the piece of equipment, how its used or whether it has plates or not. I don't want to put myself at risk to the public, or face a hefty fine for doing something illegal.


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Re: Combination Of "vehicles" Exceeds G Class License Max Wg

Unread post by Decatur »

With the information provided, you certainly need at least class D licence.

With the weight of the truck being 8505 kg, it also needs an annual inspection. The trailer you are towing would also need one.

I don't know of any exceptions for a trailer that size to not have a plate on it either.

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Re: Combination Of "vehicles" Exceeds G Class License Max Wg

Unread post by ynotp »

Are going by what is on the door jam sticker? If yes then you should be really going by the gross registered weight which is on the plate portion of the ownership. You can register a truck for whatever weight you want regardless of the manufacturers weight rating though if you are registered for 3000kg but your truck weighs 4300kg empty it will result in a ticket. Once you are over 11000kg you need a D. As long as you are registered up to 11000kg you should be ok. Your actual weight of combined truck/trailer cannot be greater than the registerd weight and your trailer may not weigh more than 4600 kg even if you have a D.

Being over 11000 (registered or actual) at a scale with a G means they tell you to park the truck and call someone with a A or D to drive it back. You will also be ticketed into the Stone Age.

Keep in mind you still need a pretrip inspection for truck and trailer, log book, cvor, annual safety stickers for truck and trailer, etc.

Why does the owner think he doesn't need plates for his trailer? I see a lot if trailers and they all have plates big and small. The only thing I don't see plates on are mobile cranes.

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Re: Combination Of "vehicles" Exceeds G Class License Max Wg

Unread post by Passing Thru »

All trailers capable of hauling cargo needs a plate. You can haul a piece of equipment such as a generator or tar pot for asphalt repairs and they will not require plates.

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