
Definition Of A "work Zone"

Author: /spider1

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2016 3:56 pm

Definition Of A "work Zone"

Unread post by /spider1 »

I recently had a ticket issued for speeding and the fine was doubled because the officer claimed that there were workers working in the area which there were about a half kilometer or more back of the point where he radared me but not in sight where he pulled me over. He pointed to a tractor parked on the shoulder and claimed that the vehicle contained a "worker".

I did a little research on the 'net and found reference to a recent change to the "work zone" definition stating that only workers working on the actual PAVED portion of the road, not the ditch or shoulder mattered in the definition. Alas I can't find that site again, did I imagine it or is it actually true?

The only construction activity at the time was a contractor placing new hydro poles in a gully behind a guard rail.

This unpleasantness happened in what I have since learned is a very popular fishing hole on the westbound lanes of Taunton Road west of Brock Road that provides an excellent hiding place for police vehicles in an entrance to the undeveloped Side Line 22.

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