
If I Dont Get Disclosure

Author: pardnme

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Unread post by dntmstr »

I think this law is a sensible one; but more education is needed. Most people do not know this law exists! Why not put some permanent signs on the highways regarding this ?

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Unread post by Bookm »

Holy!.... I just can't believe I did this... Blitz weekend, divided highway just west of Kitchener, cruiser ahead has motorist stopped, I passed by slow and "rubbernecked" a tad, 10 more seconds passed when I realized I hadn't change to the left lane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After all this major discussion on this subject, I STILL forgot about this law. But watching my rear-view, I noticed the 4 or 5 cars behind me ALSO failed to change lanes.

If the officer had been out on foot, I'm sure my instincts would have had me changing lanes. But with all parties in their cars, it just didn't strike me as dangerous.

My Bad,


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