
Expired Registration And Failure To Surrender Insurance

Author: jazzmunkyy

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Expired Registration And Failure To Surrender Insurance

Unread post by jazzmunkyy »

Hey guys.

I have been reading through the site and its offered lots of advice and information regarding traffic offences and such.

Now, a while back i was on my way to get my registration sticker and was pulled over for an expired temp sticker (it expired the day of the ticket, talk about bad luck eh?) as usual the officer asked for my licence and such and i went looking for my insurance papers. i gave her my licence and when i went to give her my insurance she told me she couldn't accept it because it was not the insurance card, just a printout with my policy number. this being my first car and all i had no idea the insurance card wasn't just the printout. i got my insurance over the phone so my package had not arrived in the mail yet i had no idea the cards were in that!

So she says she has to add a failure to surrender insurance ticket. she assured me both would be dropped if i did the early resolution and presented all relevant papers and told me i was only getting these in case another officer pulled me over.

So that was all ok, she made it sound like it would all be resolved.

But reading some posts about similar things here on this site makes me wonder if it really will be ok, i already have my dates for the early resolution and at this point im hoping at least one of these tickets will get dropped when i see the prosecutor.

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Re: Expired Registration And Failure To Surrender Insurance

Unread post by jsherk »

The prosecutor and the police officer are two different people. It is the prosecutors decision, not the officers, on whether or not something gets dropped.

So at early resolution the prosecutor MIGHT drop both charges (my guess would be that they won't do this), or MIGHT offer to drop one in exchange for guilty plea to the other. You can then either accept the deal (if one is offered) or say you would like to proceed to trial.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:47 pm

Re: Expired Registration And Failure To Surrender Insurance

Unread post by jazzmunkyy »

i understand that having both dropped is a far stretch

what should i expect at this meeting? is it one on one?

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