
Fail To Surrender Insurance Card

Author: SQ1981

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Fail To Surrender Insurance Card

Unread post by SQ1981 »

Hi, my question is, I was charged with fail to surrender insurance card, but didn't actually have insurance at the time. If I plead guilty to the fail to surrender charge, will they go the one step further and convict me of driving without insurance? Or will they just accept the guilty plea for the fail to surrender charge and leave it at that?

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Re: Fail To Surrender Insurance Card

Unread post by SQ1981 »

I guess thats my question. Could they? And could they do anything about it? I thought maybe if I tried to fight it and push the issue they might have something up their sleeve.

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Re: Fail To Surrender Insurance Card

Unread post by Stanton »

If the officer found out you had no insurance, he could still charge you with the offence. Unlike most HTA offences, they have 3 years to lay the charge from the time of the offence.

As Simon said, it's probably not likely they'd become aware, but if you decided to fight the charge, there is a chance the officer would contact your provider to see if you were insured at the time. It's a slim chance, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk. Not really much you can fight a fail to surrender charge on. Either you did or you didn't.

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