First Resolution Meeting - Experience
Thought I'd write up my expereince of my first resolution appearance, in the hope that anyone attending has some idea.
For me especially with my OCD not knowing is more of a stress. This applied to the justice office at TO.
* So I got a date with the proesecutor (for me it was a Thursday morning) which worked out great due to it being my off day
* I don't like being late and as I'm on the wrong side of town, I got to the car park whoich was directly opposite the court
* Went downstairs to a Druxy's and had breakfast. Went back to the car and had a snooze, and as I had a problem with food the night before (I'm Lactose) the fact that there was a nice clean washroom in the Druxy's mall was a god send
* went to the justice building 15 minutes efore my time, security pointed me in the direction, just sit and wait to be called. There was a list with the time and defendents appearing
* Looking around, people where dressed all from smart causual to drug dealer chic, I had black dress pants, black socks, new shiny shoes and a semi casual short sleeved shirt.
* There was also 2 small rooms (cubicles) with the number on our paperwork,
* When the time came an usher approached us and said for people attending que up
to see the presector inside.
* It is a 1 on 1, you couldnt really hear anything from outside, each meeting varied from a few minutes to 10 minutes
* my turn, the prosecutor, was very friendly and put me at my ease, and asked me what I was here for, so had a chat, had my excuse (bad idea) and what I thought was a good reason ended with her saying , "should you have been driving?" BUT she wasnt mean or horrible, asked if I was hoping to plea for a lesser charge, I said yes, and she wrote something on my form (pleading to 129 in a 100 instead of 144)
* Next.. walked down the hallway to the court. it really was like a production line, approach the bench, a few questions and done, again, there was some humour in a few of the hearings, the ushers where all friendly.
* Next walk back to where you where get a ticket and que to pay the fine. My orginal fine was somethng like $360 & 4 points and my new fine was 3 points and $180
That was it, I was done and dusted in 45 mins.
A ticket fighter (in my case) wouldnt have done anymore that I did, unless I requested a trial option
The date from the offence to requesting a meeting was about a month.
Hoping this helps anyone who's worried and stressed, it all very much like a production line, nothing can go wrong and everyone is friendly
* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
Re: First Resolution Meeting - Experience
While I understand people wanting an early resolution so they don't have to worry, I think it is harmful overall. Your post sounds like a testimonial written by a prosecutor. The early resolution option is a good business decision for the government and like any business it depends on decent customer service. As you probably already know, you could have gotten the same result plea bargaining just before the start of trial. If the result of anything that was resolved at early resolution was made invisible to insurance companies then I would be singing a slightly different tune.
Even if you are guilty as sin the some of the benefits of going to trial are:
If you request disclosure, you will get to see it ahead of time, if it is not provided the trial will likely be adjourned (at your insistence) and if it is the fault of the prosecutor or officer that will count in your favor for a successful 11B app.
There is a small chance the officer or other witness is not present and if this happens there is a good chance you will win on the spot (if you insist on going to trial right there and then).
Almost any delay that is not your fault that pushes your trial past the 11 month mark will put you into 11B territory.
Going to trial affirms your constitutional rights.
Re: First Resolution Meeting - Experience
I would read my previous threads I've posted asking for help on my original offence, jeez I wish I was a prosecutor or knew one, I wouldnt have a conviction, I asked for help several times, mainly because my OCD, tends to cause me problems in these scenarios, I only had one reply on what to expect at court, so I the post is not about the rights or wrong of a ER, but to relay what my expereince was, i.e. what happens when you get there.
BTW, I searched and couldnt find any relevant information. People choose what they want to do (even after getting advise) depending on there circumstances. There are a lot of ways to beat things, thats true, BUT do you have the time, the money, ability to take time of work, the apitude, stress AND worry is also a big part of that.
It is what it is, an expereince which I relayed. Not extolling the virtue of an ER but what happens when you get there.
ynotp wrote:While I understand people wanting an early resolution so they don't have to worry, I think it is harmful overall. Your post sounds like a testimonial written by a prosecutor.
ynotp wrote:If the result of anything that was resolved at early resolution was made invisible to insurance companies then I would be singing a slightly different tune.ynotp wrote:
not sure what you mean there, are you saying the ins. co knows my original offence... surly my abstract shows the new offence... either way for MY, any speending offence upto 50km's is a minor, so the point is mute.
ynotp wrote:If you request disclosure, you will get to see it ahead of time, if it is not provided the trial will likely be adjourned (at your insistence) and if it is the fault of the prosecutor or officer that will count in your favor for a successful 11B app.There is a small chance the officer or other witness is not present and if this happens there is a good chance you will win on the spot (if you insist on going to trial right there and then).
Almost any delay that is not your fault that pushes your trial past the 11 month mark will put you into 11B territory.
Going to trial affirms your constitutional rights.
and of course all is true...
the question is do you or dont you, thats NOT what this thread was about.
* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
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