Got A Ticket For: 144(10) Disobey Lane Light
Sorry in advance if this is the wrong forum to post this topic in. I wasn't sure which forum I should put this in nor do I know how many demerit points this ticket is worth.
What happened was this: I was approaching the intersection and the light turned amber. However the road was too slippery to stop safely so I continued on and the light turned red as I was half-way across the intersection. The cop pulled me over and gave me this ticket; he wrote that I disobeyed the lane light and referenced section 144(10).
I'd like to know how many demerit points this offense is worth, if any. Also if it is worth fighting the ticket.
Re: Got A Ticket For: 144(10) Disobey Lane Light
When someone gets a ticket for running a red, or amber, when they fight it, the disobey lane light ticket is what they plea it down to. The red / amber light tickets are 3 points, disobey lane light is 0 points. It's a good deal, although there will be those that say you should fight it anyway...
Re: Got A Ticket For: 144(10) Disobey Lane Light
Thanks for the quick reply! I have a couple of more questions.
If I fight it could I get some of the fine amount reduced? Also, would this kind of ticket be reported to my insurance company? I'm afraid my premium would go up if so.
Re: Got A Ticket For: 144(10) Disobey Lane Light
Unless you are in real financial hardship then it is unlikely they will reduce the fine although they will give you time to pay.
Even though the ticket has no points it will count against your insurance so if you really believe that it would have been dangerous to stop in time then you can try and win at trial by saying just that. It's not like going through a red light where you either did or didn't; with an amber light you must stop if they 'can do so safely'. If you feel you couldn't do that then it's worth seeing what the officer says in their disclosure.
Re: Got A Ticket For: 144(10) Disobey Lane Light
All tickets you get, even 0 demerit ones, can cause your insurance to go up.
I recommend you plead Not Guilty and request a Trial with the officer present. Once you get the Notice of Trial, then request disclosure (officers notes). Once you get the notes, scan then and post here for us to take a look at.
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