
Here's A Good One, Who Can Beat This?!?!

Author: akim

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Here's A Good One, Who Can Beat This?!?!

Unread post by akim »

So, I'm accident free over 10 yrs, but last week on Wed, I'm driving on the right lane, suddenly the pickup truck to my left dive into me and hit my driver's side wheel, fender and bumper got opened outward too. I'm lucky to have had a witness right behind us to confirm the dangerous move and without the other driver turning light on too. I called the insurance and on the same day determined I'm 100% no-fault. Two days after, on Friday, I drove my wife's 2015 car and parked it in a large parking lot for a dinner. But after my Wed experience, I'm like where do I choose to park so I don't get any bad experience, and chose a spot where there was no car around 10 ft away in any direction. Upon my return to the car, the passenger front bumper and fender got smacked in. This time the luck I had is the other driver was still on scene and admitted fault. My insurance later also determined 100% no-fault. Btw, do you guys think these two accidents will affect my premium in any way? Common sense says NO. So, this is my story about getting two accidents within two days while I'm driving two different cars within the same week!!! I'm so frustrated!!! Better take public transportation now!!! It can only go the extreme... either laugh at it to the extreme or cry at it to the extreme!!!!!

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Re: Here's A Good One, Who Can Beat This?!?!

Unread post by bend »

Any accident where you are deemed 25% or less at fault shouldn't count as a chargeable accident.

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