
Non-police Forbidden From Speeding (on Duty)

Author: PizzaMaster

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Non-police Forbidden From Speeding (on Duty)

Unread post by PizzaMaster »

Earlier today I was hanging with my friend, who's brother is an officer with the ministry of transportation (commercial vehicle enforcement). Apparently, unlike other Canadian provinces non-police law enforcement are barred from speeding or pursuing as the HTA only allows police, fire and ems to exceed the speed limits and proceed through red lights and signs (emergency response).

Like sure I get a conservation officer, mto officer shouldn't be in a pursuit with all the equptment they store in their trucks ex. Truck scales, or atv's. What I don't understand is why they would forbid them from at least closing the gap to conduct enforcement? Mto officers have the authority as a constable for the HTA and can enforce anything a police officer can for that act technically. They now do lidar speed enforcement on commercial vehicles, but what's the point if you can't catch up to the person your clocking?

Would love to hear some clarification from a peace officer about this, the politics behind this is mind boggling. Thanks.

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Re: Non-police Forbidden From Speeding (on Duty)

Unread post by Nanuk »

MTO Enforcement doesn't conduct speed enforcement , the lasers you speak of are intended for use to determine if a commercial vehicle required to use a speed limiting device is indeed using the device. They make take the measurement then waive the vehicle over down the highway no need to close any gap, and no speeding tickets issued.

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