Parking, Stickers And Ins.
hmmm, wondering if someone can give us a bit of info/advise
there's a car that's been parking on the road near my house, 1 door down,
usually on the road and not on the driveway, most of the day and all night,
as per "On-Street Parking: Parking on City streets is limited to three hours, unless otherwise posted. This offence is enforced on a complaint basis only. Signs advising the public of the three hour parking limit are posted at all major entrances to the City. (Traffic By-law 555-00)"
Also the sticker expired in dec14, so I'm assuming no insurance. not sure how long the guy has got away with it, but I am worried on a number of levels, i.e. in case of an accident with no insurance somone will be on the hook for it
if you havent got insurance or sticker your gonna be pretty much have no money or assests,
The other thing is that we all (regardless of our problems) have to insure/sticker a car.
I wanna drop a dime on 311, sig other says leave it, because the are probably poor, and its the police's duty to cop them, and if there is any accident they'll get done.
anyway, thought I'd just put forward the scenario
txs in advance
* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
Re: Parking, Stickers And Ins.
Well first just because sticker is expired does not mean they do not have insurance.
Second, are they really bothering you?
Third, if you report them then they just have to pay into the system supporting an already out of control government.
Personally, if they were not bothering me then I would just leave them alone.
Re: Parking, Stickers And Ins.
Depending where you live, the city can come and hand out tickets for either the 3+ hours of parking, expired sticker, or both.
If you wish to contact them, many usually have a parking enforcement number listed online.
Re: Parking, Stickers And Ins.
I have 1 question and one solution...
I in the end didnt do anything, but the guy did get a ticket and said car has moved and no longer therer
1> so what is the sticker for, how/does it relate to insurance? I read somewhere if you don't have a sticker and get into an accident you insurance is invalid/or they could walk away?
if there is no real need/issue or ramification, why should I pay for a sticker, other than a ticket, can I get towed for example
txs again
* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
Re: Parking, Stickers And Ins.
I believe the standard clause is that "the owner shall not drive or allow the vehicle to be driven unless that person is authorized by law to drive it." This is more a matter if the driver lets their licence become invalid or suspended but could also apply to plate validations. Court rulings have come down in favor of drivers against insurers who deny coverage when courts determine the driver made an honest mistake in letting their licence become invalid.
Insurance companies determine risk and rates by the make/model and driver record, as you know from your experience in the forum that any conviction could be used to justify an insurance rate increase with some carriers. Since most people aren't nearly afraid of the fine so much as the dramatic insurance consequences then I would assume that could be your motivation.
Re: Parking, Stickers And Ins.
ynotp wrote:I believe the standard clause is that "the owner shall not drive or allow the vehicle to be driven unless that person is authorized by law to drive it." This is more a matter if the driver lets their licence become invalid or suspended but could also apply to plate validations. Court rulings have come down in favor of drivers against insurers who deny coverage when courts determine the driver made an honest mistake in letting their licence become invalid.
Insurance companies determine risk and rates by the make/model and driver record, as you know from your experience in the forum that any conviction could be used to justify an insurance rate increase with some carriers. Since most people aren't nearly afraid of the fine so much as the dramatic insurance consequences then I would assume that could be your motivation.
* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
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