
Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Author: smurfS_182

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Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by smurfS_182 »

Will i get in trouble for having 6 inch white lettering reading POLICIE, czech for police. the car is what and blue with a blue racing stripe if that makes a differnce too lol

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Re: Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by G35Dalf »

The big question is, why?

Could be playing with fire. If someone interprets you as impersonating a peace office and reports you, you may make things difficult for yourself. Even if it's technically legal (and I'm not sure if it is or isn't), you may be drawing attention to yourself in a way you may not want to entertain... what if some baddy mistakenly thinks you're the cops?

Not something I'd want to do without having peace officer status, a vest, gun and a police force to back me up. Just sayin'...

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Re: Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by smurfS_182 »

well i didnt wanna deal with the constant threat of being pulled over and then i smartened up and relized my job depends on my having a clean record so i took them off.

its looked pretty cool, like and old czech police car though, fun while it lasted

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Re: Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by hwybear »

good that you took the stickers off.

last vehicle I seen like that with lettering of that sorts was in the compound and the driver had new living arrangements

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Re: Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by GLOBAL WARMING? »

I have to disagree here.

People are allowed to wear shirts and other gear that says POLICE or COPS ... never seen or heard of a civilian getting harassed about walking around with POLICE on their back.

A VW with POLICIE on it shouldnt be mistaken for a police car. First of all it looks nothing like a police car. Second Czech isn't one of the official languages in Canada. If it was a real police car it would have POLICE written on it in English or French (an official language of the land)

I guess if you are a FOB person from Czech (or another country) you might not tailgate this person though =)

No disrespect to anyone meant is this post. Just some of my common sense and comical fun =)

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Re: Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by Stanton »

The actual offence would fall under the Criminal Code.

Personating peace officer

130. (1) Everyone commits an offence who

(a) falsely represents himself to be a peace officer or a public officer; or

(b) not being a peace officer or public officer, uses a badge or article of uniform or equipment in a manner that is likely to cause persons to believe that he is a peace officer or a public officer, as the case may be.


(2) Everyone who commits an offence under subsection (1)

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Key point is "likely to believe" a police officer. Czech lettering, colouring, etc. probably wouldn't be sufficient for people to reasonably believe you're a police officer in Canada. That being said I have no doubt it would increase the frequency in which you get pulled over for police to check on the vehicle.

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Re: Policie Stickers On My Old Vw Jetta

Unread post by hwybear »

GLOBAL WARMING? wrote:A VW with POLICIE on it shouldnt be mistaken for a police car. First of all it looks nothing like a police car. Second Czech isn't one of the official languages in Canada. If it was a real police car it would have POLICE written on it in English or French (an official language of the land)

could easily be mistaken for a cruiser, what does a police cruiser look like? I have seen a variety of cruisers over the years and you can see several on "police canada" site (police car picture site) from searching can find unmarked camaros, pickups etc... now into marked units can find VW bugs, Honda Civic, Ford escape, Chev HHR....all legit ones

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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