
Question About Bicycle On Crosswalk

Author: lifejuggler

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Question About Bicycle On Crosswalk

Unread post by lifejuggler »

recently... while i was crossing with my bicycle on a designated crosswalk on a flashing red( as in it was going on and off)... I was able to cross almost safely to the very end till I hit a car on the last lane. When the police came later he claimed that I was at fault 100% saying I shouldn't have crossed when it was doing that. but the van that came from the lane beside the car managed to stop while the other car couldn't claiming she couldn't see me until its too late... Is there anyway for me to get out of this mess? ( i was pretty banged up and disoriented too... I was not really at the right state of mind)

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Re: Question About Bicycle On Crosswalk

Unread post by racer »

lifejuggler wrote:( i was pretty banged up and disoriented too... I was not really at the right state of mind)

Well, I would definitely not bring up THAT in court, because this make you sound as if you were under influence of alcohol or something else at the moment, thus discrediting your whole story.

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Unread post by Squishy »

As you were in a crosswalk/intersection with a traffic control signal, Section 144 applies. When riding a bike, you are considered a vehicle instead of a pedestrian. Drivers are to yield to traffic lawfully using an intersection, which you were not - 144 (29) prohibits riding within a crosswalk.

I think all the driver needs to do is establish that she took reasonable steps to make sure no pedestrians were in her half crosswalk, and no traffic was on the intersecting roadway.

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