
Question Regarding Offence Location & Courthouse Location Being In Different Jurisdications

Author: TrialOptionQuestion

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Question Regarding Offence Location & Courthouse Location Being In Different Jurisdications

Unread post by TrialOptionQuestion »

My father received a speeding ticket earlier this afternoon in Brampton along Hwy. 50; However I noticed under the options listed on the ticket the trial option indicates the offence notice should be filed at the city of Mississauga courthouse.

Curious, I verified the location where he received the speeding ticket was indeed within city of Brampton limits (Hwy. 50 is the Eastern border) so I was puzzled. I took another look at the ticket and noticed the ICON Location Code listed for the offence is 3161 which represents the city of Mississauga which I confirmed here: ... esses/poa/

ICON Location Code 3160 represents the city of Brampton

What happens in this case when the ticket is filed by the officer in the city of Mississauga for an offence that occurred elsewhere?

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Re: Question Regarding Offence Location & Courthouse Location Being In Different Jurisdications

Unread post by Decatur »

Nothing happens. The Provincial Offences Act allows a ticket issued in one jurisdiction be dealt with at a court in an adjoining jurisdiction And those cities are both in the Regional Municipality of Peel.

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Re: Question Regarding Offence Location & Courthouse Location Being In Different Jurisdications

Unread post by TrialOptionQuestion »

Follow up question:

The set fine is $37.50 with a total payable of $52.50 so the victim fine surcharge is $15.00

For fines up to $50 the victim fine surcharge should be $10 as far as I can tell unless I'm mistake and the victim fine surcharge has been increased recently?

Meet with a prosecutor to point this out, request a court date and raise the issue with the justice of the peace for a dismissal, or do nothing and not send the ticket in as I've read elsewhere online?

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