

Author: arnoldstheman

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Unread post by arnoldstheman »

Do acquitted charges remain on ones record? I have received 7 tickets since I began driving, however, with the help of this site and other people I have managed to have 6 of the 7 withdrawn. When I am pulled over by police, can they see that I have been charged 7 times?

Will these charges always exist in the system even though I have been deemed not guilty in a court of law?

Thank you

OPS Copper
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Re: Record

Unread post by OPS Copper »

It depends. If you stopped and charged by the same police service then they would know but there would be nothing on your driving record. Just on the police services internal records.

This information is not normally available to other services.


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Re: Record

Unread post by arnoldstheman »

Thank you OPS Copper. Is it possible to have this information removed, as it would be to ask a police service to remove a non-conviction record?

Thank you

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Re: Record

Unread post by argyll »

No. The record is of the entire incident and you are listed on it just the same as you would be if you had called in to complain about a loud party on your block. The occurrence would indicate that the charges had been withdrawn though.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Record

Unread post by arnoldstheman »

Yes, argyll, however, it is perfectly legal to ask police services to remove non-conviction records. They do not have too, but they may chose too.

Therefore, could I not contact the police service and ask for the record to be destroyed, just as I could if I called to complain about a loud party on my block?

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Re: Record

Unread post by argyll »

You are correct. It IS perfectly legal to ask them to do it. They won't, but you can ask. These occurrences are a record of what, who, when and where officers interacted with the community.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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