
Red Light Camera Offence - Should I Plead Guilty?

Author: danceparty

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Red Light Camera Offence - Should I Plead Guilty?

Unread post by danceparty »

I recently got a red light camera offence fine of $325.00. This is my first offence, I have no speeding tickets. The car is under my parents name so I was wondering if I should pay the fine or come forward and plead guilty and ask for a deduction. I'm 18, a university student, I work part time I think I can make a fair argument that'll reduce the fine. Plus I wasn't speeding or being aggressive, the speed reading on the ticket says 46km/h. To be honest, I don't remember doing this at all and it must have been just a huge mistake of me not noticing. The thing is, if I plead guilty does that mean I'll have 2 demerit points taken away and my insurance will go up? I'm trying to think about it cost wise to see if it's worth it or not.

Also if you plead guilty and submit as to penalty is it a trial? What's the whole process?


It says I should exercise an option within 15 days of getting this notice. Does that mean its 15 days from the "Date of Deemed Service"?

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Unread post by pvotrainer »

these tickets go to the registered owner of the car not the driver. You can pay the set fine or go to court and ask for a reduction. it won't show up on your licence, but it may show up on the reg ower's licence. if you go to court, you can admit to driving and may have it transferred to your name to save your parents, but then you will definately get the points

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